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Kei te pēhea koe? - How are you?
Achievement objective
1.7 Use and respond to simple classroom language.
Learning intention
Students can:
- ask and answer one another about how they are feeling.
At the end of this lesson, students can:
Whakarongo – Listening: Recognise and understand simple, familiar spoken words, phrases, and sentences.
Kōrero - Speaking: Ask simple questions.
Resource sheet 1A Kei te pēhea koe (Word, 148 kB)
Lesson sequence
Before the lesson, print off copies of Resource sheet 1 and place them on the walls around the room.
Introduce the vocabulary to describe how someone is feeling (see Language to use below). Ask the students to move to the picture that best reflects how they are feeling. Ask the students individually in Māori how they are.
Kei te pēhea koe Joey | How are you Joey? |
Kei te pai au. | I am good. |
Kei te koa au. | I am happy. |
Kei te hiamoe au. | I am sleepy. |
Language to use
Kei te pēhea koe? | How are you? |
hiamoe | sleepy |
hiakai | hungry |
pai | good |
pōuri | sad |
riri | angry |
koa | happy |
hoa | friend |
whaea | mother |
tuahine | sister (of a male) |
tungāne | brother (of female) |
ia, koe, au | he/she |
tō | your (singular) |
Identify the local dialect used for the question ‘how are you?’ Do local iwi ask ‘Kei te pēhea koe?’ or ‘E pēwhea ana koe?’ Te Whanake Online describes these two variations.
When out in the playground, ask how the students are.
Greet and ask visitors how they are as they arrive at your room.
Note: Consider whether the visitor is confident in doing this.
Further learning
Extend the vocabulary by drawing and labelling other pictures. Ask the students how another person is.
Kei te pēhea tō whaea? | How is your mum? |
Kei te koa ia. | She is happy. |
Kei te pēhea tō hoa? | How is your friend? |
Kei te hiakai ia. | S/he is hungry. |
Kei te pēhea tō tungāne? | How is your brother? (of a female) |
Kei te pai ia. | He is well. |
Other resources
- Ministry of Education. (2000). Waiata Kōhungahunga. [Audio Cassette: Side 1 Song 2]. Wellington: Learning Media.
Te Kākano: Te Wāhanga Tuatahi
Provides ways you can ask "How are you?" and has an interactive.