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Engari kē! - But!

Achievement objective

3.4 Communicate, including comparing and contrasting, about how people travel.

Learning intentions

Students can:

  • link sentences with the conjunction ‘engari’
  • understand, and use, the word ‘’ (meaning ‘instead’).


At the end of this lesson, students can:

KōreroKōrero - Speaking: Use generally appropriate pronunciation, stress, rhythm and intonation. Initiate and sustain short conversations.

WhakarongoWhakarongo - Listening: Get the gist of short oral texts that contain some unfamiliar language.

TuhituhiTuhituhi - Writing:Prepare and write short texts on familiar topics. Use appropriate writing conventions.

PānuiPānui - Reading: Get the gist of short written texts that contain some unfamiliar language.


Lesson sequence

This lesson reinforces the use of ‘kē’.

Introduce the students to the word ‘engari’. Say:

“Kei te haere au ki Tauranga, engari kei te haere kē koe ki Ōtautahi.”
“I’m going to Tauranga but you’re going instead to Christchurch.”

Hand out copies of Resource sheets 3J, 3K and 3L. Ask the class to describe the journeys presented on the maps. Model the first statement for them.

When they have finished, have them describe the activities in the diagrams using ‘engari’.

Kei te eke ngaru au, engari kei te waiata kē koe.
I am surfing but you are instead singing.

Language to use

  • ‘Engari’ (but) or its variation ‘erangi’
  • Instead, ‘kē’
  • ‘Ki’ before place names and ‘ki te’ before buildings
  • Use of ‘ki te’ to say ‘in order to’
  • Present tense marker ‘Kei te…’


Refer to Answer sheet 3J & K English for the English translations of the answers, and Word list: Ngā wāhi o Aotearoa for place names.

Remember that ‘kē’ is placed after the verb.

‘Engari’ can also be spelt ‘erangi’.


The students could name people on the Resource sheets, describing where they are and what they are doing, for example:

Kei te eke ngaru a Tamahori ki Te Tūranga-nui-a-Kiwa.
Tamahori is surfing in Gisborne.

Further learning

The students could draw pictures showing people going somewhere, and what they will do when they arrive.

Charades: The students could silently act out actions for the class to identify, for example:

Kei te kai koe - You are eating.
Kei te oma koe - You are running.
Kei te waiata koe - You are singing.

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