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He kōrero patipati - Asking for something

Achievement objective

4.1 Request, offer, accept, and decline things, invitations and suggestions.

Learning intention

Students can:

  • write a letter/email to request money.


At the end of this lesson, students can:

TuhituhiTuhituhi - Writing

  • Write short texts on familiar topics.
  • Use appropriate writing conventions.

MātakitakiMātakitaki - Viewing: Understand and respond to combinations of visual and verbal language and their significance in communicating information and ideas to specific audiences.


Lesson sequence

Tell the students that this activity is based on a child living away from home; for example, attending boarding school. The student needs money to buy clothing and will need to contact his/her parents by email, to make this request.

In small groups, have the students discuss the types of clothing they wish to purchase. Remind them that their parents will not accompany them when they go shopping, so the sky could be the limit!

Have the students draw the clothes they would like to buy. Alternatively, they could cut out items from magazines and create a montage.

Ask them to individually compose an email in Māori to their parents, describing the current condition of their clothing or other reasons why it is necessary to purchase new clothing. They will also need to ask for money for the clothing they wish to purchase.

A model answer is provided as Teachers’ notes 1: Model answer.

Language to use

Mihi Greetings

Kia ora e te whānau, kei te pēhea koutou?
Hello family, how are you?

State the issue, for example:

Kua tipu aku waewae. My feet have grown.
Kua ngaro aku hū. I’ve lost my shoes.
Kua taretare taku tarau. My pants are worn out.
Kua tīhae taku koti. My jacket is torn.
Kua kōhaohao taku hāte. My shirt has holes in it.
Kua makere ngā tuitui o aku kākahu. The stitching on my clothes has come undone.
Kupu āhua Adjectives
pakaru broken/torn/split
tīhae torn
taretare ragged/tattered
kōhaohao holes
makere ngā tuitui falling to bits
Verbs Kupu mahi
ngaro lose/lost
Ngā tono Requests
Kei te pīrangi au ki te hoko hū. I want to buy (some) shoes.
Tukua mai koa kia kotahi rau tāra. Please send me one hundred dollars.
Ngā kākahu Clothing
hāte shirt
tarau pants
mekameka bling
panekoti skirt/dress
pōtae hat
koti jacket
tōkena socks
hingareti singlet

Further learning

The students could draft an email response from their parents.

Identify a kapa haka or sports team that is seeking funding. Have the students write letters seeking sponsorship for kapa haka or sports uniforms.

Ask the students to create Māori T-shirt slogans and clothing designs. They could develop an advertisement for their creations. Encourage the students to screen-print their slogans and designs onto T-shirts.

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