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Jane Brown - Te Reo Māori Advisor, UC Education Plus, University of Canterbury:
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou e hoa mā. Mō ō koutou kaha ki te mahi i ngā mahi i tēnei rā. He rā tino whakahirahira tēnei ki ahau nā te mea he taonga, he taonga tēnei pukapuka Te Aho Arataki Marau. He aha ai? Nā te mea ko tēnei tētahi o ngā pukapuka hei arataki i a tātou katoa i a tātou mahi.
Irihapeti Pringle - HOD Māori, Avonside Girls’ High School:
To ngā kaiako I just want to really say mihi to all of you because I have grandchildren now and that’s the next phase of my life, and I know that they’re going to be in good hands. Ki a koutou, ki a koutou mā, kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui.
You’re going to bring it all back to where our tūpuna were were way back in the 1840s. Heoi anō, ngā mihi nui rawa atu ki a koutou, kia kaha kia māia kia ora.
Tame Kuka - Te Reo Māori Advisor, School Support Services, Waikato University:
Ko tēnei wāhanga te wāhanga whakamutunga mō tātou mō tēnei rā nā reira he mihi kau ana ki a koutou. Tuatahi ki a koutou rā he aha ai? Ana, kua tae mai. Kua tae mai ki konei, ana, ka kite kanohi ki te kanohi. Nā reira kei te mihi atu. Tuarua, ana, mō te kaupapa. He kaupapa rangatira tēnei rā nā reira kia kaha ki a tātou katoa ki te kawe i tēnei kaupapa. Nā reira tēnā tātou. Heoi anō i tēnei wā ka huri o tātou whakaaro ki te runga rawa, kia oti pai tā tātou nei hui mō tēnei wā. Nā reira me inoi tātou.
[Translation on the screen]
We have arrived at the conclusion of the day. Thanks to all of you. Firstly, we gathered together to meet each other face to face. Secondly, this is an important kaupapa that all of us need support in. However it is at this stage that we turn our thoughts to the Lord for his help during this hui.
[a karakia is said]
[On the screen]
“Mā te heke o te wera i tōu rae i rongo ai koe i te haunga o te ahi kai”.
“By the sweat of your brow, you will smell the delicious aroma of cooking food”.
[On the screen]
He mihi
Grateful thanks for all workshop participants and presenters.
Birdsong provided courtesy of VIKING SEVENSEAS NZ LTD.