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He reka ake - It’s sweeter

Achievement objective

6.3 Communicate about immediate plans, hopes, wishes, and intentions.

Learning intentions

Students can:

  • identify differences between objects
  • offer a reason for things being different.


At the end of this lesson, students can:
Pānui Pānui - Reading: Understand specific details in contexts that may contain some unfamiliar language.

TuhituhiTuhituhi - Writing: Write information on familiar topics, referring to past, present and future time and use appropriate writing conventions.

KōreroKōrero - Speaking: Initiate and sustain more extended conversations in both formal and informal contexts.


Lesson sequence

Discuss with the students the use of the directional particles ‘ake,’ ‘atu,’ and ‘iho’ to express a greater or lesser quality of an object, for example: iti iho, nui ake.

Then hand out a copy of Resource sheet 6I: He reka ake and ask the students to complete it. The students should then ask each other questions, using the sentence structure below, about the differences they have observed.
Ki a koe, he pēhea te ________ i te __________?
Ki ahau nei, he ________ ake/atu/iho te ________ i te ________.
He aha ai?
He ________ nō te ________.

For example:
Ki ahau nei, he reka atu te āporo i te aniana, he kawa nō te aniana.
In my view, apples are sweeter than onions, as onions are sour.

Each pair of students should offer three examples to the class:

  • One using the directional particle ‘atu’
  • One using the directional particle ‘ake’
  • One using the directional particle ‘iho.’

Language to use

Indefinite article to describe an item

He _______. For example: He reka. He kawa.

Particles to express comparative quality

ake For example: He reka ake.
atu For example: He reka atu.
iho For example: He kawa iho.

Possessive particle expressing ‘belonging to’

For example: He huka nō te āporo.

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