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Ngā mahi ā-rēhia - Recreation

Achievement objective

6.1 Give and follow instructions.

Learning intentions

Students can:

  • gain knowledge of recreational activities of pre-European Māori
  • identify similarities and differences
  • ask and respond to questions in an appropriate manner.


At the end of this lesson, students can:

Whakarongo Whakarongo - Listening: Understand specific details in contexts that may contain some unfamiliar language.

Kōrero Kōrero - Speaking: Initiate and sustain more extended conversations in both formal and informal contexts and use appropriate pronunciation, stress, rhythm, and intonation.

Tuhituhi Tuhituhi - Writing: Write information on familiar topics referring to past, present and future time.


Lesson sequence

Copy and hand out Resource sheet 6K: Wharewhare and Kupu taka: Ngā mahi ā-rēhia.

Ask questions about the illustrations on Resource sheet 6K so that the students become familiar with the vocabulary and characters:

  • Ko wai e oma ana?
  • E oma ana a wai?
  • Kei tēhea tapawhā ia?
  • Tokohia ngā tāngata e haka ana?
  • Ko wai rātou?
  • Kei a wai tētahi karetao?
  • Kei te aha te tokorua i te tapawhā tuawhā?
  • Ko wai rāua?

(Kupu taka should provide any vocabulary they are not familiar with.)
Get the students to ask each other questions. When they are familiar with the vocabulary, have them listen to the ‘housie’ (wharewhare) instructions and identify each activity as they mark each box.

  • Tīmata i te tapawhā tuaiwa.
  • Neke whakamauī kia toru ngā tapawhā.
  • Piki whakarunga kia kotahi te tapawhā.
  • Neke whakatekatau kia whā ngā tapawhā.
  • Kei te aha ia/rāua/te tama/te kōtiro?
  • Kei tēhea tapawhā koe?

The students should then create their own five instructions based on this example. The students could take turns calling out their instructions.

Suggested language focus Suggested vocabulary Notes
present tense kei te aha?  
continuous tense e aha ana…  
completed tense kua...  
Locative particle
kei kei a wai?  
  kei tēhea tapawhā?  
  specific actions pertaining to amusement and recreation Remind students that some words are both nouns and verbs depending on context, for example:
hoe, haka
names of pursuits and objects used in activities tauhunahuna
1st, 2nd and 3rd person
singular, dual, plural
ia, rāua, rātou  


This activity could be played with students asking Yes/No questions to identify the activity the teacher has chosen, for example: Tokorua ngā tāngata? Kei te pupuri rākau ia?

Further learning

The students could choose a picture and describe what is happening in it.

  • Tokorua ngā tāngata. Kotahi te tangata.
  • Kei te tū/noho ia/rāua.
  • He rākau kei te ringa.

Graded listening activities: http://www.esl-lab.com/

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