Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki
Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13
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Tapiritanga 2: Te kuputaka Māori
Appendix 2: Glossary of Māori terms
This is a glossary of the various Māori terms used in these curriculum guidelines.
A | H | I | K | M | N | O | P | R | T | W |
āe | yes |
ahi kā | home fires; preserving one’s connection to the land, conservation |
ako | learning together (the teacher is the learner: the learner is the teacher) |
akomanga | classroom |
ao | world |
Aotearoa | New Zealand |
arapū | alphabet |
aroha | love, sympathy, empathy |
atawhai | show kindness, foster, encourage |
au | I, me |
auraki | English-medium, as in kura auraki/English-medium schools |
awhi | to respect, to embrace |
haere | go, move |
haere mai | welcome; come here |
haka | fierce dance with chant |
hapū | extended family, subtribe; pregnant |
hiranga | excellence |
hongi | press noses in greeting |
hui | meeting; to meet |
ihi | power or quality that evokes emotion |
iwi | tribe; bones |
kaha | strong |
kai | food; to eat |
kaiako | teacher |
kāinga noho | guardianship; home, place of residence |
kaitiakitanga | ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment |
kāo, kāore | no |
kapa haka | Māori cultural performance group |
karakia | prayer |
karanga | to call; ritual call; the art of karanga |
kaua | don’t (do …) |
kaumātua | elder(s) |
kaupapa | theme, topic |
kawa | local protocols |
kawe | to carry |
kia ora | a greeting meaning 'may you be well'; thank you |
kīwaha | idiom(s) |
koe | you (one person) |
koha | gift |
kōhanga | nest |
kōhanga reo | Māori-medium pre-school |
kōrero | speaking, to speak |
kōrero pūrakau | story, stories, traditional story, storytelling |
kōrua | you (two people) |
koutou | you (three or more people) |
kupu | word |
kura auraki | English-medium school |
kura kaupapa Māori | Māori-medium primary school |
mahi | work; to make, to do, to work |
mahi ngātahi | co-operation, working collaboratively |
mana | authority |
manaaki | to respect, to support, to take care of, to extend hospitality |
manaakitanga | kindness, hospitality; extending hospitality |
manuhiri | visitor(s) |
marae | meeting ground |
marautanga | curriculum |
mātakitaki | viewing; to view |
Matariki | the Pleiades, a star cluster that heralds the traditional Māori New Year |
mātauranga | knowledge |
mauri | life force |
mihi | greeting; to greet |
mōteatea | traditional song poem |
mutu | end, to end |
ngākau tapatahi | integrity |
ngā kōrero tuku iho | knowledge that has been passed down, spoken histories, the art of storytelling |
ngā mihi | informal and formal introductions |
ngātahi | together |
ngā toi | the creative arts |
noa | free from ritual restrictions, not tapu |
nui | big, important |
ora | well, healthy; life |
pāeke | pattern of speeches at a welcome when the tangata whenua finish speaking before the manuhiri begin |
pai | good |
pakaritanga | maturing, strengthening |
pānui | reading, to read |
Papatūānuku | Earth Mother |
pēnā | like that |
pene | pen |
pēnei, kia pēnei | like this, let it be like this |
pepehā | iwi-specific saying(s) |
poi | a small ball swung on the end of a string; to swing the ball rhythmically |
pono | truth, honesty |
poroporoaki | to farewell, routines and procedures associated with a formal farewell |
porihanga | society, community |
pōwhiri | to welcome; routines and procedures associated with a formal welcome |
puāwaitanga | blossoming |
rāhui | prohibit, prohibition(s) |
rangatira | chief |
rangatiratanga | the qualities of leadership, authority; self-determination |
raumati | summer |
reo | language, voice |
rerekētanga | diversity |
rohe | boundary, district; the people of a particular district |
roto | in |
runga | on |
taha hinengaro | a person’s mental and emotional well-being and balance |
taha tinana | a person’s physical well-being |
taha wairua | a person’s spiritual well-being and balance |
taiao | nature, environment, the natural world |
Tāne Mahuta | god of forests |
tamariki | children |
tangata | person, people |
tangata whenua | indigenous people |
tangihanga | funeral(s) |
taniwha | supernatural being, often associated with a particular place |
taonga | treasure, precious possession |
tapu | restricted; requiring respect and observance of related tikanga |
tātaritanga | thinking and making meaning |
tātau | all of us |
tau kē! | term of praise meaning 'great, fantastic!' |
tau utuutu | pattern of alternating speeches at a welcome; balance |
teina | younger, same-gender sibling |
tēnā | that, near the listener |
tēnā koe | greetings (to one person); there you are |
tēnei | this, near the speaker |
tēpu | table |
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori | Māori Language Commission |
te tika me te ngākau pono | integrity, honour |
tiaki | care for, look after |
tika | right, correct, correctness; equity |
tikanga Māori | Maori customs, protocols, and social values |
tikanga me kawa | procedures and protocols |
tino | very |
tohu | directions, signs, symbols |
tohutō | macron |
tuahine | sister (of a boy or man) |
tuakana | older, same-gender sibling |
tuhituhi | writing; to write |
tungāne | brother (of a girl or woman) |
tu pono | knowing oneself, one’s identity |
tupuna | grandparents, ancestors |
tupuranga | growth |
tūrangawaewae | place where one has the right to stand |
tū whakahī | dignity |
tū whakaiti | humility |
wā; te wa | time |
waiaro | values, attitudes |
waiata | song(s) |
waiata ā-ringa | action song(s) |
wairua | spirit |
wairua auaha | innovative, creative (spirit, mind) |
wairua uiui | inquiring, curious (spirit, mind) |
waka | canoe, vehicle |
wānanga | forum; Maori-medium tertiary institution |
wehi | power or quality that evokes awe or fear |
whaikōrero | formal speech, oratory; the art of oratory |
whaiwāhitanga | inclusion; participating and contributing |
whakaatu | presenting; to present |
whakaiti | humility |
whakapapa | lines of descent, connections, genealogy |
whakarongo | listening; to listen |
whakataukī (whakatauākī) | proverb, saying (a proverb for which the original speaker is known) |
whakatōtanga | planting |
whakawhanaungatanga | relating well to others |
whānau | family; to be born |
whanaungatanga | kinship, relationships, connections |
whare | house, building |
wharekai | dining hall, restaurant |
wharekura | Maori-medium secondary school |
wharenui | meeting house |
whare tupuna | ancestral house |
whare wānanga | houses of higher learning |
whenua | land, country; placenta |