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Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki

Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13

He mihi


Tenā koutou e kaha nei ki te poipoi i te reo Māori i roto i ngā kura auraki. Me mihi atu ki a koutou ngā mema o ngā poari, ngā tumuaki, ngā kaiako, me ngā whānau nā koutou te mahi nui ki te ārahi i ā tātou tamariki e ruku nei i te mātauranga. He mihi nui, he mihi aroha tēnei ki a koutou katoa e tiaki nei i ā tātou tamariki, e hāpai nei i tēnei taonga whakahirahira, arā, te reo Māori. 

Greetings to all who are involved in English-medium schools. The board members, principals, teachers, and whānau, whose responsibility it is to guide our children as they seek knowledge, must also be acknowledged. Heartfelt thanks go out to you all as you care for our children and uplift this most precious possession, te reo Māori.

Toi te kupu 

Language is permanent

Toi te mana 

Prestige is permanent

Toi te whenua 

Land is permanent

Ko te reo rangatira e koiri atu nei.

The resonating sound of the prestigious Māori language.

He taonga te reo, he taonga anō ngā tikanga. He taonga ngā tamariki. He taonga anō ngā pouako, inā hoki ko rātou e awhina ana ki te poipoi i te reo hei reo e ora ana, e kaha ana, e haumako ana.

Our language and culture are taonga. Our children are taonga. The teachers of te reo Māori are also taonga because they are helping to secure the future of te reo Māori as a living, dynamic, and rich language.

Nō reira, e ngā kaiako, e ngā tumuaki, e ngā whānau, kia kaha koutou ki te hāpai ake i te reo Māori hei tikitiki mō ngā māhunga o ngā tamariki mokopuna. Ki nga ākonga, whaia, naomia te taonga nei, e pakari ai, e pārekareka ai tā koutou takahi haere i ngā huarahi o ō koutou na ao, otirā, o te ao nui tonu.

And so, to you, the teachers, principals, and families: remain strong as you lift the Māori language up as a topknot for the heads of our children. To the students: pursue this treasured possession, seize it and use it, so that you may tread confidently and with enjoyment on the paths of your own worlds and the wider world.

Kia hora te marino

May peace be widespread

Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana

May the sea glisten like greenstone

Kia tere te karohirohi

May the shimmer of light

I mua i tō huarahi.

Guide you on your way.

Acknowledgements and translations
Has information about acknowledgment and translations relating to the sayings and greetings used in these curriculum guidelines.

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