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Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki

Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13

He tukanga akoranga pakirehua
A suggested teaching as inquiry cycle

At the heart of these curriculum guidelines is an emphasis on the importance of meeting the diverse learning needs of all students of te reo Māori. Page 35 of The New Zealand Curriculum describes teaching as a process of inquiry. In this ongoing, cyclical process, teachers constantly ask themselves where their students are in their learning, how they can help them progress, and how their teaching impacts on the students’ learning. The diagram below adapts the New Zealand Curriculum’s teaching as inquiry cycle for teachers of te reo Māori.

The diagram can be summed up like this:
What should I teach next, how should I teach it, and what do I base those decisions on?

The questions below relate to the headings in the diagram and are based on the questions in The New Zealand Curriculum. They are examples of the kinds of questions that teachers may ask themselves as they move around the cycle in their teaching.

Teaching inquiry: Pedagogy choices

  • How can I teach my next te reo Māori lesson most effectively?
  • What language learning tasks and approaches are most likely to help my students progress?

Learning inquiry: Outcomes for students

  • What happened as a result of the teaching?
  • What are the implications for future teaching?

Focusing inquiry: Curriculum choices

  • What is important and worth spending time on, given where my students are at?

Is there something I need to change about how I teach this?

  • How can I teach more effectively?
  • How can I maintain a communicative approach?
  • How can I incorporate tikanga into my teaching?
  • How can I involve whānau in my teaching?

What are the next steps for my students’ learning?

  • What language needs to be reinforced or introduced next?
  • What different contexts might my students need to use this language in?

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