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Scene 3: Riding the escalators
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Duration: 00:37
Māori | English |
Dylan | Kia ora, Jo. | Hi Jo. |
Dylan | Haami, arā ngā kōtiro. | Haami, the girls are over there. |
Haami | Kei whea? | Where? |
Dylan | Kei muri i a koe. Titiro ki runga rā. | Behind you. Look up there. |
Haami | Ki whea? | Where? |
Dylan | Ki runga! Kei te heke mai rāua! | Up there! (Now) they’re coming down! |
Sione | Titiro atu. Kei te haere mai a Jo. | Look out. Here comes Jo. |
Haami | Kei te haere mai anō hoki a Hana? | Is Hana coming too? |
Dylan | Āe. Kia ora kōrua. Kei te pēhea? | Yes. Hi there you two. How’s it going? |
Jo and Hana | Kei te pai. | Good. |
Hana | Kei te aha koutou? | What are you (plural) up to? |
Sione | Kei te kimi kākahu a Haami. | Haami is looking for clothes. |
Haami | E hoa! Kei te tirotiro noa iho au. | Friend! I’m just looking around. |
Dylan | Pēhea kōrua? Kei te aha kōrua? | What about you two girls? What are you two up to? |
Jo | Kei te tirotiro noa iho hoki! | Only looking too! |
Unit 8 scene 3 transcripts (PDF, 272 kB)