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Reo Māori resources
Resources aligned to te reo Māori curriculum guidelines

He Reo Tupu, He Reo Ora
This online multimedia resource contains eight units of work with complementary reomations (animations in te reo Māori) and videos on how the resource can be used and marae protocol. The primary audience is students in years 1–6.

Hei Waiata, Hei Whakakoakoa
This resource contains audio of waiata that can be downloaded. Accompanying the waiata is a songbook with lyrics, song sheets, curriculum achievement objectives, and suggestions for activities.
Ka Mau te Wehi
This is the online version of the multimedia resource, aimed at year 7 and 8 teachers and students of te reo Māori. The website includes unit and lesson plans, videos, student worksheets, waiata, print resources, professional development resources, and explanations of tikanga or protocol.
Te reo Māori lesson plans
A collection of teacher and student materials designed to support each of the eight levels of the Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki.
Te Whakaipurangi Rauemi
An extensive range of teacher resources for English-medium schools that support Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki.
He Reo Kōmanawa: images to inspire teaching and learning te reo Māori
Resources to support and inspire teachers as they use Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki to design school and classroom curriculums that will meet the particular needs and talents of their students.

Tōku Kōhanga Board Books Set
This set of 5 board books supports the teaching and learning of te reo Māori as a second language in years 1–6 and was distributed to all primary and intermediate schools. Each set comes with teachers’ notes that are also available online.
Secondary Books and Teachers' Notes for English-medium
These books and teacher notes are designed for levels 5 and 6 of Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori – Kura Auraki.
Ngā Kete Kōrero Books and Teacher Notes for English-Medium
This set contains three books Te Rā o Māmā, Tokohia ngā Tamariki, and Tōku Marae from the Ngā Kete Kōrero series, with teachers’ notes to support teaching and learning.
Other resources to support Māori language learning
Ako Panuku
Browse a selection of current classroom resources available or register to contribute and share your resources with other teachers. This website provides Māori teachers in wharekura and English-medium secondary schools with access to useful educational information, resources, and professional development opportunities.
Te Whanake
Te Whanake is a set of textbooks, study guides, CDs, teachers' manuals, and a dictionary for learning and teaching Māori language. This website also provides access to a further range of associated free online resources for independent learning and interaction.

Māori Dictionaries
Check out some of the online Māori dictionaries available.
Māori Dictionary
A Dictionary of the Māori Language

Te Huinga Raukura flipbooks
Check out these fantastic online versions of the Te Huinga Raukura boxed sets of multimedia resources available on the Mātauranga Māori website. There are flipbooks with audio as well as teacher support material and student activities available to download as PDFs.
Reo Māori
Te Rangaihi Reo Maori | The Movement contains resources, information and news about te reo Māori.
Resources about tikanga and kaupapa Māori

Kia Mau: Waiata and Haka associated with the 28 Māori Battalion
This online version of the multimedia resource Kia Mau about waiata and haka associated with the 28th Māori Battalion is now available in English. This resource contains teachers’ notes and relevant videos that focus on levels 6–8 of social sciences with additional information on the achievement objectives from history.
Exploring te ao kori
Te ao kori (the world of movement) is a Māori celebration and expression of life through movement. This resource collection includes learning experiences that spring from te ao Māori, and integrates health, physical education, and the arts.
Māori Myths, Legends and Contemporary Stories
A collection of stories in English and te reo Māori based on Māori oral traditions. Some are well-known, and others are less familiar. The collection includes supporting teacher material and links to relevant websites.

Ngā rauemi Matariki
Access resources about Matariki by clicking on the following links:
Ngā hākari (Celebrations)
Matariki for (NZ History online)
Te Ara The Encyclopedia of New Zealand
Te Papa
Christchurch City Libraries
Matariki and the New Zealand Curriculum