Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki
Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13
Curriculum guidelines 521 PDF (PDF, 4 MB)
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Support materials
These curriculum guidelines are linked to four resources that are intended to support and inspire teachers of te reo Māori as they design school and class curriculums to meet the particular needs, interests, and talents of their students.
The CD-ROM that accompanies these curriculum guidelines, He Reo Kōmanawa: Images to Inspire Teaching and Learning te Reo Māori (Ministry of Education, 2009), presents a group of digital resources from the collection at Digistore. (Note Digistore closed on 1 March 2018).
He Reo Kōmanawa sets out a framework for designing sequences of teaching and learning tasks that enable students to work towards some of the achievement objectives for te reo Māori. It then gives some examples of how the framework can be linked to the Digistore images.
The CD-ROM is intended to familiarise teachers with the levels of these curriculum guidelines and to model some possible teaching and learning approaches.
Teaching and Learning te reo Māori
Approaches used in the support materials are consistent with the principles and understandings about effective teaching and learning.
Te Whakaipurangi Rauemi
A collection of teacher resources, available on the Te Kete Ipurangi website, that include valuable background information to support these curriculum guidelines for te reo Māori. They also include teaching materials that can be readily adapted to meet students’ individual needs.
The site is intended to support teachers’ professional learning, so it will continue to develop in response to teacher feedback. Over time, it is intended to support the development of an online community of teachers who can challenge one another’s practice and support each other’s continued professional development.
Te Reo Māori Lesson Plans
An extensive collection that is intended to support teaching and learning at each of the eight levels of these curriculum guidelines.
Each lesson plan contains achievement objectives, related learning outcomes, links to reference material, suggested activities, and copymasters.
Ka Mau te Wehi!

The Ministry's 2007 multimedia resource package, which links to levels 1 and 2 of these curriculum guidelines, designed for Year 7 and Year 8 teachers of who do not speak te reo Māori.
Typically, these teachers are unfamiliar with the pedagogy for teaching additional languages and would like to learn along with their students.
The resource includes teacher notes, unit plans, and student worksheets. The package also includes two DVDs with waiata, scenarios, and explanations about tikanga Māori. In 2007, the package was sent to English-medium schools for students in years 7–8.