Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori - Kura Auraki
Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schools: Years 1-13
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Achievement objectives
At each curriculum level, a series of achievement objectives is introduced. The achievement objectives represent key learning outcomes for that level. They are based on authentic texts and contexts that students are likely to encounter both in their everyday lives and also on special or formal occasions when te reo Māori is used for specific purposes. Note that although the achievement objectives in these curriculum guidelines are not the same as the achievement objectives for the learning languages area in The New Zealand Curriculum, the two sets of objectives have a common purpose and are closely aligned.
Language learning is a recursive process. As students progress, they need to revisit and build on their learning from previous levels so that they can reinforce important skills and concepts. For this reason, students should be given opportunities to revisit each achievement objective from time to time as they progress through the curriculum levels. On each occasion, they can learn new ways of achieving that objective.
For example, when students first work towards achievement objective 1.2 (Introduce themselves and others and respond to introductions), they might simply give their names, their parents’ names, and their mountain, river, and iwi or their home town. At a more advanced level, they might add their grandparents’ names and say something about their hapū and marae or family place of origin.
The achievement objectives need not be introduced in the order they are listed, nor need they be introduced separately. There may, for example, be advantages in combining aspects of more than one achievement objective at a particular level in a single lesson. For example, these curriculum guidelines suggest integrating objective 1.1 (Greet, farewell, and acknowledge people and respond to greetings and acknowledgments) with 1.2 (Introduce themselves and others and respond to introductions).
Students who begin learning te reo Māori in primary and intermediate schools may spend considerably longer working within level 1 than those who start at secondary school. If students are only offered a short course, it may not be possible for them to meet all the achievement objectives for a single level within the time.