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Unit 19: Haere mai ki te mākete – Come to the market
Learning intentions
In this unit students will learn:
- the names of some foods and drinks
- how to make a compliment
- how to ask others what they would like to eat and drink
- to ask others about their favourite foods.
Success criteria
Before commencing the unit the teacher will discuss the learning intentions with the students and together agree on appropriate success criteria.
Unit 19 transcripts (PDF, 284 kB)
Unit 19 Worksheet A (PDF, 294 kB)
Unit 19 Worksheet B (PDF, 285 kB)
Unit 19 Teacher Sheet A (PDF, 285 kB)
Unit 19 Teacher Sheet B (PDF, 542 kB)
Activity 1
The students will revise the names of foods mentioned in the previous units.
Watch Unit 19 Scene 1 where Dylan and Sione text Jo.
Hand out a copy of Worksheet A to the students and ask them to complete the word find. Explain to them that the names of foods have all been mentioned in previous DVD clips. Encourage them to look through the DVDs or the units to find the words.
Activity 2
The students will learn how to compliment someone.
Watch Unit 19 Scene 2 where Sione and Dylan exchange compliments about others. Ask the students to listen carefully. Who is it that Sione compliments about their weaving skills? Who in Dylan’s family is a great cook?
Write on the board the following sentences and ask the students to copy them into their Wehi books:
He kaha taku (kuia) ki te (raranga pōtae). | My (grandmother) is great at (weaving hats). |
He kaha taku (kuia) ki te (raranga whāriki). | My (grandmother) is great at (weaving mats). |
He kaha taku (kuia) ki te (raranga pōtae) me te (raranga whāriki). | My (grandmother) is great at (weaving hats and mats). |
By now they have learnt the Māori words whaea – mother, matua – father, kuia – grandmother, koro – grandfather, tungāne – brother of a female, and tuahine – sister of a male, hoa – friend, and more. Ask the students to write in their Wehi books three sentences to describe the qualities or abilities of one of the above people. When they have finished, swap their book with a friend to check accuracy.
Activity 3
The students will practise how to ask someone else what they would like to eat.
Watch Unit 19 Scene 3 where Sione asks his friends what they would like to eat.
Listen to Sione ask:
“Dylan, he aha māu?” | “Dylan, what are you having?” |
and Dylan replies:
“He inu ārani (noa iho).” | “(Only) an orange juice.” |
Card game
Organise the class into groups of six. Give each group a copy of Teacher Sheet A and two copies of Teacher Sheet B (photocopied on to light card). The students will colour and cut out the pictures. These are their playing cards. Teacher Sheet A shows the Māori names of the food and their English meaning. Refer to this sheet until you know all the Māori names of each food item.
When playing the game the students will practise the following question and answer:
Question: | He aha māu? | What will you have? |
Answer: | He panana. | A banana. (The student will say what is on the card they pick up.) |
How to play the game:
- Place all the cards (two packs) face down on the table between the players.
- Player 1 says to the player on their left, “He aha māu?”
- Player 2 (player on the left) turns over the top card looking at the picture (banana), and gives the appropriate response in Māori, “He panana.”
- The six players continue playing until they know all the food names in Māori and are confident using the question and answer format to ask someone what they would like to eat.
When students are confident to handle more language to answer the question He aha māu? they could pick up two cards instead of one: e.g. if they picked up tīhi – cheese, and kānga – corn, they would respond, “He tīhi me te kānga.” – Cheese and corn. If they picked up ika – fish, and parāoa – bread, they would say, “He ika me te paraoa.”– Fish and bread.
Activity 4
The students will ask their friends about their favourite food.
Ask the students, in pairs, to ask ten people about their favourite food:
He aha te kai tino reka ki a koe? | What is your favourite food? |
They should record the name of the food in the left column and the name of the student in the right column of Worksheet B. When they have finished recording the information, they should report to the rest of the class.
Use this sentence:
Ko te kai tino reka ki te rōpū nei, ko te _____________________ . | The favourite food for this group is __________________________ . |
Show the students He kōrero whakamārama clip 31, which talks about the idiom.
Tino kino te reka! | The food is wickedly delicious! |
Download this unit
Unit 19: Haere mai ki te mākete – Come to the market (PDF, 445 kB)